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How to Write SEO-Friendly Content Without Keyword Stuffing (with examples and 5 tips to help you avoid it)

Keyword stuffing blog

What is keyword stuffing?

Keyword stuffing is the practice of overloading a web page with keywords in an attempt to manipulate its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). Keyword stuffing can be done in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Repeating the same keyword or phrase over and over again throughout the content of the page.

  • Using irrelevant keywords or phrases that are not relevant to the topic of the page.

  • Hiding keywords in the page's HTML code, such as in the meta tags or alt text.

Why should you avoid keyword stuffing?

There are several reasons why you should avoid keyword stuffing. First, it is a black hat SEO technique, and search engines like Google penalize websites for using black hat techniques. If you are caught, your website could be ranked lower in SERPs, or even de-indexed altogether.

Second, it makes your content difficult to read and understand. When you overuse keywords, your content becomes unnatural and repetitive. This can alienate your readers and make them less likely to visit your website again.

Finally, keyword stuffing is not effective. Search engines are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and they can easily detect it. If you try to stuff your website with keywords, you are more likely to hurt your ranking than help it.

How to identify keyword stuffing

There are a few things you can look for to identify if you are guilty:

  • Is the keyword density too high? Keyword density is the percentage of times that a particular word appears in a piece of content. A good rule of thumb is to aim for a density of 2-3%. If the keyword density is much higher than this, it is likely that the page is stuffed.

  • Are the keywords used naturally? If the keywords are repeated over and over again in a way that sounds unnatural, it is likely that the page is stuffed.

  • Are the keywords relevant to the content of the page? If the keywords are not relevant to the topic of the page, it is likely that the page is stuffed.

Here is an example of keyword stuffing:

Title: Buy the best cheap shoes online today!

Meta description: Our website sells the best cheap shoes online. We have a wide variety of shoes to choose from, all at affordable prices.

Heading: Best Cheap Shoes Online

Body text: We are the best place to buy cheap shoes online. We have a wide variety of shoes to choose from, all at affordable prices. Our shoes are made with high-quality materials and construction, so you can be sure that they will last. We also offer free shipping on all orders over $50. Buy your cheap shoes online today!

This example is keyword stuffed because the keyword "cheap shoes" is used over and over again throughout the content, in both the title, meta description, heading, and body text. The keywords are also used in a way that sounds unnatural and repetitive. For example, the sentence "We are the best place to buy cheap shoes online" is repeated twice.

Keyword stuffing is a black hat SEO technique that can hurt your website's ranking in search results. It is important to avoid it by writing for humans, not for search engines. Use your keywords strategically and naturally, and maintain a good keyword density.

Review your content for keyword stuffing before you publish it, and use tools to help you identify and fix the problem.

In this blog we will further deep dive into some tips to ensure you do not fall into the trap of Keyword Stuffing.


Tip 1 - Write for humans, not for search engines

When you write for humans, you naturally use keywords throughout your content, but you will not overuse them.

This is because you are focused on creating content that is informative and engaging for your readers. When you are writing about a topic that you are passionate about, and you are writing for an audience that is interested in that topic, you will naturally use the keywords that are relevant to that topic. However, you will not need to force the keywords into your content. They will flow naturally from your writing.

Here is an example of how to rewrite the example from the introduction to write for humans:

Title: How to Find the Best Cheap Shoes Online

Meta description: Looking for the best cheap shoes online? Look no further! We have a wide variety of shoes to choose from, all at affordable prices. Learn how to find the best deals on cheap shoes online today!

Heading: How to Find the Best Cheap Shoes Online

Body text:

Looking for the best cheap shoes online? Look no further! We have a wide variety of shoes to choose from, all at affordable prices. Here are a few tips on how to find the best deals on cheap shoes online:

  • Start by comparing prices from different retailers. There are a number of websites that sell cheap shoes online, so it's important to compare prices before you make a purchase. You can use a price comparison website like Google Shopping to compare prices from different retailers.

  • Look for sales and discounts. Many retailers offer sales and discounts on cheap shoes throughout the year. You can find sales and discounts by checking the retailer's website or signing up for their email list.

  • Read reviews before you buy. Once you've found a pair of cheap shoes that you're interested in, be sure to read reviews before you buy them. This will help you to get an idea of the quality of the shoes and whether or not they are worth the price.

In this example, the keywords "cheap shoes" and "online" are used naturally throughout the content. The content is also informative and engaging, and it is written for an audience that is interested in finding the best deals on cheap shoes online.

It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how many times you should use a keyword in your content. The ideal keyword density will vary depending on the topic of your content, the length of your content, and the target audience for your content. However, a good rule of thumb is to aim for a keyword density of 2-3%. This means that your target keyword should appear 2-3 times for every 100 words of content.


Tip 2 - Use your keywords strategically

Once you have identified your target keywords, use them strategically throughout your content. This includes using them in your title, meta description, headings, and body text.

However, be careful not to overuse your keywords. Aim to use them naturally and in a way that flows well with your content.

Here are a few tips for using your keywords strategically:

  • Use your keywords in your title and meta description. The title and meta description are the first things that people see when they search for a keyword in Google. If your title and meta description include your target keywords, it is more likely that your website will appear in the search results.

  • Use your keywords in your headings. Headings break up your content and make it easier to read. They also help search engines to understand the structure and content of your page. If you use your target keywords in your headings, it will help search engines to understand what your page is about.

  • Use your keywords throughout your body text. However, be careful not to overuse your keywords. Aim to use them naturally and in a way that flows well with your content.

Here is an example of how to use keywords strategically:

Title: How to Find the Best Cheap Shoes Online

Meta description: Looking for the best cheap shoes online? Look no further! We have a wide variety of shoes to choose from, all at affordable prices. Learn how to find the best deals on cheap shoes online today!

Heading: How to Find the Best Cheap Shoes Online

Body text:

Looking for the best cheap shoes online? Look no further! We have a wide variety of shoes to choose from, all at affordable prices. Here are a few tips on how to find the best deals on cheap shoes online:

  • Start by comparing prices from different retailers. There are a number of websites that sell cheap shoes online, so it's important to compare prices before you make a purchase. You can use a price comparison website like Google Shopping to compare prices from different retailers.

  • Look for sales and discounts. Many retailers offer sales and discounts on cheap shoes throughout the year. You can find sales and discounts by checking the retailer's website or signing up for their email list.

  • Read reviews before you buy. Once you've found a pair of cheap shoes that you're interested in, be sure to read reviews before you buy them. This will help you to get an idea of the quality of the shoes and whether or not they are worth the price.

In this example, the keywords "cheap shoes" and "online" are used strategically throughout the content. They are used in the title, meta description, headings, and body text. However, the keywords are not overused. They are used naturally and in a way that flows well with the content.


Tip 3 - Use synonyms and related terms

Don't just repeat your target keywords over and over again. Instead, use synonyms and related terms to add variety to your content. This will make your content more readable and interesting for your readers, and it will also help you to avoid keyword stuffing.

Here are a few tips for using synonyms and related terms:

  • Use a thesaurus to find synonyms and related terms. A thesaurus is a great resource for finding synonyms and related terms for your target keywords.

  • Think about the different ways that people might search for your topic. When you are writing your content, think about the different ways that people might search for your topic. Then, use synonyms and related terms throughout your content to target these different search queries.

  • Use a variety of synonyms and related terms. Don't just use the same synonym or related term over and over again. Instead, use a variety of synonyms and related terms to add variety to your content.

Here is an example of how to use synonyms and related terms:

Target keyword: cheap shoes

Synonyms and related terms: affordable shoes, inexpensive shoes, budget-friendly shoes, low-cost shoes, discounted shoes, on-sale shoes

Example sentence:

Looking for the best cheap shoes online? Look no further! We have a wide variety of affordable shoes to choose from, all at budget-friendly prices.

In this example, the synonym "affordable" is used instead of the target keyword "cheap."

This makes the content more readable and interesting for readers, and it also helps to avoid keyword stuffing.


Tip 4 - Maintain a good keyword density

Keyword density is the percentage of times that your target keyword appears in your content. There is no hard and fast rule for keyword density, but a good rule of thumb is to aim for a keyword density of 2-3%. This means that your target keyword should appear 2-3 times for every 100 words of content.

However, it is important to note that keyword density is not the only factor that search engines consider when ranking websites. Other factors, such as the quality of the content, the backlinks to the website, and the user experience of the website, are also important.

Here are a few tips for maintaining a good keyword density:

  • Use your target keyword naturally throughout your content. Don't force your target keyword into your content where it doesn't belong. Instead, use it naturally and in a way that flows well with your content.

  • Use synonyms and related terms. As mentioned in the previous tip, using synonyms and related terms can help you to maintain a good keyword density without keyword stuffing.

  • Use your target keyword in your title, meta description, and headings. This will help search engines to understand the topic of your content and rank it accordingly.

  • Use a keyword density checker. There are a number of keyword density checkers available online. You can use one of these tools to check the keyword density of your content and make sure that it is within the recommended range.

Here is an example of how to maintain a good keyword density:

Target keyword: cheap shoes online


Looking for the best cheap shoes online? Look no further! We have a wide variety of affordable shoes to choose from, all at budget-friendly prices. Whether you're looking for a new pair of sneakers, sandals, or boots, we have the perfect pair of cheap shoes for you.

Word count: 35

Keyword density: 2.86%


In this example, the target keyword "cheap shoes online" is used naturally throughout the content. It is used once in the title, once in the meta description, and once in the body of the content. The keyword density is 2.86%, which is within the recommended range of 2-3%.

Here is an example of keyword stuffing:

Target keyword: cheap shoes online


Cheap shoes online! Cheap shoes online! Cheap shoes online! We have the best cheap shoes online! Our cheap shoes online are the best quality and the best price! Buy your cheap shoes online today!

Word count: 35

Keyword density: 20%


In this example, the target keyword "cheap shoes online" is overused. It is used 7 times in a 35-word piece of content, which results in a keyword density of 20%. This is much too high, and it is likely that search engines would penalize this content for keyword stuffing.


Tip 5 - Use your keywords in the right places

In addition to using your keywords in your title, meta description, headings, and body text, you should also use them in other places on your page, such as in your image alt text and internal links. This will help you to optimize your content for search engines and make it more likely to rank higher in the search results.

Image alt text

Image alt text is the text that is displayed when an image cannot be loaded. It is also used by search engines to understand the content of images. When you are writing image alt text, be sure to include your target keywords. This will help search engines to index your images and rank them for your target keywords.

Internal links

Internal links are links from one page on your website to another page on your website. Internal links can help users to navigate your website and find the information they are looking for. They can also help search engines to understand the structure of your website and the relationships between the different pages on your website.


Here is an example of how to use keywords in image alt text and internal links:

Target keyword: cheap shoes online

Image alt text: A pair of cheap shoes online.

Internal link: Click here to browse our selection of cheap shoes online.

In this example, the target keyword "cheap shoes online" is used in the image alt text and the internal link. This will help search engines to index the image and rank it for the target keyword. The internal link will also help users to navigate to the page on the website that sells cheap shoes online.

By using your keywords in the right places, you can optimize your content for search engines and improve your website's chances of ranking higher in the search results.



Keyword stuffing is a black hat SEO technique that can hurt your website's ranking in search results. It is important to avoid keyword stuffing by following the tips above:

  • Write for humans, not for search engines.

  • Use your keywords strategically.

  • Use synonyms and related terms.

  • Maintain a good keyword density.

  • Use your keywords in the right places.

Example summary

Throughout this blog post, we have used the example of a website that sells cheap shoes online. The target keyword for this website is "cheap shoes online."

Here is a quick summary of how the tips above can be applied to this example:

  • Write for humans, not for search engines. The content on the website should be informative and engaging for readers who are interested in buying cheap shoes online. The target keyword should be used naturally throughout the content, but it should not be overused.

  • Use your keywords strategically. The target keyword should be used in the title, meta description, headings, and body text of the website.

  • Use synonyms and related terms. Synonyms and related terms such as "affordable shoes," "inexpensive shoes," and "budget-friendly shoes" can be used throughout the content to avoid keyword stuffing.

  • Maintain a good keyword density. The target keyword should appear 2-3 times for every 100 words of content.

  • Use your keywords in the right places. The target keyword should also be used in the image alt text and internal links on the website.

By following these tips, the website owner can optimize their content for search engines and improve their chances of ranking higher in the search results for their target keywords.


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