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The Ultimate Guide to CTAs: Write CTAs That Get Clicked: Expert Tips and Examples

Guide to CTA's

What is a call to action (CTA)?

A call to action (CTA) is a statement or button that tells the reader or viewer what you want them to do next. It's a way to prompt them to take a specific action, such as signing up for your email list, downloading a white paper, or making a purchase.

Why are CTAs important?

CTAs are important because they help you achieve your marketing goals. Whether you're trying to generate leads, increase sales, or build brand awareness, CTAs can help you get there.

Different types of CTAs

There are many different types of CTAs, but some of the most common include:

Subscribe to our email list

Subscribe to our email list CTA

Download our white paper

Download our white paper CTA

Free trial

Free trial CTA

Buy now

Buy now CTA

Learn more

Learn more CTA

Sign up for our webinar

Sign up for our webinar CTA

Contact us

Contact us CTA

How to use CTAs effectively

To use CTAs effectively, you need to make sure they are clear, concise, and persuasive. You also need to place them in strategic locations where your audience is most likely to see them.

Here are some tips for using CTAs effectively:

  • Use strong action verbs. Instead of saying "Click here," say "Download our white paper" or "Sign up for our email list."

  • Be clear and concise. Your CTA should be easy to understand and tell the reader exactly what you want them to do.

  • Create a sense of urgency. Use words like "today" or "now" to encourage your audience to act quickly.

  • Tailor your CTA to your audience. Think about what your audience wants or needs, and craft a CTA that is relevant to them.

  • Use persuasive language. Highlight the benefits of taking action, and use words that are likely to appeal to your audience.

  • Design your CTAs to stand out. Use contrasting colors and fonts, and make your CTA buttons large and easy to click.

  • Place your CTAs in prominent locations. Put your CTAs at the end of your blog posts, in your email signature, and on your website landing pages.

By following these tips, you can create CTAs that are effective and help you achieve your marketing goals.

Writing effective CTAs

Use strong action verbs

Instead of saying "Click here," say "Download our white paper" or "Sign up for our email list." Strong action verbs tell your reader exactly what you want them to do and make your CTA more persuasive.

Here are some examples of strong action verbs you can use in your CTAs:

  • Download

  • Sign up

  • Subscribe

  • Learn more

  • Buy now

  • Book now

  • Get started

  • Try it for free

  • Schedule a demo

  • Contact us

Be clear and concise

Your CTA should be easy to understand and tell the reader exactly what you want them to do. Avoid using jargon or technical language, and keep your CTA brief.

Here are some examples of clear and concise CTAs:

  • Download our free white paper on how to increase website traffic.

  • Sign up for our email list to receive exclusive discounts and offers.

  • Learn more about how our software can help you grow your business.

  • Buy now and get 20% off your first order.

Create a sense of urgency

Using words like "today" or "now" in your CTAs can create a sense of urgency and encourage your audience to act quickly. You can also offer limited-time discounts or promotions to create a sense of urgency.

Here are some examples of CTAs that create a sense of urgency:

  • Sign up for our email list today and get a free ebook!

  • Book your free consultation now!

  • Don't miss out on this limited-time offer!

  • Order now and get 20% off your first purchase!

Tailor your CTA to your audience

Think about what your audience wants or needs, and craft a CTA that is relevant to them. For example, if you're targeting small businesses, your CTA might be "Get a free marketing consultation." If you're targeting consumers, your CTA might be "Sign up for our email list to receive exclusive discounts and offers."

Here are some examples of CTAs tailored to different audiences:

  • Small businesses: Get a free marketing consultation.

  • Consumers: Sign up for our email list to receive exclusive discounts and offers.

  • Software developers: Try our software for free for 14 days.

  • Content creators: Get a free subscription to our content marketing platform.

Use persuasive language

Highlight the benefits of taking action, and use words that are likely to appeal to your audience. For example, if you're offering a free white paper, you could highlight the fact that it's free and that it contains valuable information. If you're offering a discount, you could highlight the amount of money your audience can save.

Here are some examples of persuasive CTAs:

  • Download our free white paper to learn how to increase website traffic by 50%.

  • Sign up for our email list to receive exclusive discounts and offers on the latest products and services.

  • Try our software for free for 14 days and see how it can help you grow your business.

By following these tips, you can write effective CTAs that will help you achieve your marketing goals.

Designing effective CTAs

Sure. Here is a detailed writeup on how to design effective CTAs, along with examples for each point:

Use contrasting colors and fonts

Your CTAs should stand out from the rest of your content. Use contrasting colors and fonts to make your CTAs easy to spot and click. For example, if you have a white background, use a bright color for your CTA button. If you have a dark background, use a light color for your CTA button.

Here are some examples of contrasting colors and fonts you can use in your CTAs:

White background with red CTA button

schedule a demo cta

Black background with white CTA button

try it for free cta

Green background with yellow CTA button

buy now cta

Blue background with orange CTA button

Learn now cta

Purple background with white CTA button

get started CTA

Make your CTA buttons large and easy to click

Your CTA buttons should be large enough to be easily visible and easy to click. You don't want your audience to have to squint or fumble to find your CTA button. A good rule of thumb is to make your CTA buttons at least 44px by 44px.

Here are some examples of large and easy-to-click CTA buttons:

  • Download our white paper

  • Sign up for our email list

  • Learn more

  • Buy now

  • Try it for free

Place your CTAs in prominent locations

Place your CTAs in prominent locations where your audience is most likely to see them. For example, you can place your CTAs at the end of your blog posts, in your email signature, and on your website landing pages. You can also use pop-ups and modals to display your CTAs.

Here are some examples of prominent locations where you can place your CTAs:

  • At the end of blog posts

  • In email signatures

  • On website landing pages

  • In pop-ups and modals

  • Above the fold on your website homepage

  • In the checkout process of your e-commerce store

By following these tips, you can design effective CTAs that will help you achieve your marketing goals.

Here are some additional tips for designing effective CTAs:

  • Use rounded corners on your CTA buttons. Rounded corners make your CTA buttons look more inviting and clickable.

  • Use a shadow effect on your CTA buttons. This will help your CTA buttons stand out from the rest of your content.

  • Use a call to action overlay. A call to action overlay is a transparent image that you can place over your content to display your CTA. Call to action overlays are a great way to display your CTA without interrupting the user experience.

By following these tips, you can create CTAs that are both visually appealing and effective.

Testing your CTAs

Use A/B testing to compare different variations of your CTAs

A/B testing is a method of testing two different versions of a variable (such as a CTA) to see which one performs better. To A/B test your CTAs, you would create two different versions of your CTA and then randomly show one version to one group of users and the other version to another group of users. You would then track the click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CVR) for each version of your CTA to see which one performs better.

Here is an example of how to A/B test your CTAs:

  • Create two different versions of your CTA. For example, you could create one version that says "Download our white paper" and another version that says "Get our free white paper."

  • Randomly show one version of your CTA to one group of users and the other version to another group of users.

  • Track the CTR and CVR for each version of your CTA.

  • The version of your CTA with the higher CTR and CVR is the winning version.

Track your click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CVR) to see which CTAs are performing best

Your click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of people who see your CTA and click on it. Your conversion rate (CVR) is the percentage of people who click on your CTA and then take the desired action, such as downloading your white paper or signing up for your email list.

Here is how to track your CTR and CVR:

  • Use a web analytics tool such as Google Analytics to track your website traffic.

  • Google Analytics will track the number of people who see your CTAs and the number of people who click on them.

  • To calculate your CTR, divide the number of people who click on your CTA by the number of people who see it and multiply by 100.

  • To calculate your CVR, divide the number of people who take the desired action after clicking on your CTA by the number of people who click on it and multiply by 100.

By tracking your CTR and CVR, you can see which of your CTAs are performing best. You can then use this information to optimize your CTAs and improve your results.

Here are some tips for testing your CTAs:

  • Test one variable at a time. This will help you identify which variable is having the biggest impact on your results.

  • Test for a statistically significant result. This means testing for long enough to ensure that your results are not due to chance.

  • Use a variety of testing tools. There are many different A/B testing tools available, so choose one that is right for you and your budget.

By following these tips, you can effectively test your CTAs and improve your results.



CTAs are an important part of any marketing campaign. By following the tips above, you can write and design effective CTAs that will help you achieve your marketing goals.

Here are some additional tips for using CTAs effectively:

  • Use CTAs throughout your website and marketing materials.

  • Use a variety of CTAs to target different audiences and promote different actions.

  • Personalize your CTAs when possible.

  • Track your results and optimize your CTAs over time.

By following these tips, you can use CTAs to increase your website traffic, generate leads, and boost sales.


Best practices for using CTAs:

  • Use clear and concise language

  • Tailor your CTA to your audience

  • Use strong action verbs

  • Create a sense of urgency

  • Use persuasive language

  • Design your CTAs to stand out

  • Place your CTAs in prominent locations

  • Test your CTAs and optimize them for performance

Tips for writing and designing effective CTAs:

  • Use contrasting colors and fonts

  • Make your CTA buttons large and easy to click

  • Place your CTAs in prominent locations

  • Use rounded corners on your CTA buttons

  • Use a shadow effect on your CTA buttons

  • Use a call to action overlay


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